There is no doubt about the fact, that fast approaching before us is an extremely dreadful day, a day, in which the creation will be judged for their actions, and witnesses will be established for
It is an established fact that the people of faith are required to seize opportunities, prepare their provisions for the hereafter, and perform good deeds as long as they are alive.
Among Allāh’s wondrous, continuous, and all-encompassing blessings is that He has designated for us certain times which stand out from others and have specific virtue
One of the greatest goals a believer can aspire for in this world and the Hereafter is to attain the pleasure of Allāh and avoid His wrath at all costs.
There is no doubt to the fact that our beautiful Dīn Islām, encourages self-care, and is built on the positive tenets of hope, mercy, forgiveness, and compassion.