We have been informed by the Prophet (ﷺ) that a treasure from the treasures of Paradise has been sent down to the people of this world and is granted exclusively to the fortunate a
In our Dīn some words are sufficient for thousands of other words, and some Duʿā’ encompass comprehensive and profound meanings, such that they calm the heart, soothe the soul, and uplift the spiri
Alḥamdulillāh, we have been blessed by Allāh yet again, to witness another dawn of a new Gregorian calendar year - another opportunity for seeking forgiveness, focusing on pursuing Taqwā (God-consc
Throughout history, a great number of Prophets were sent to guide human beings. Each Prophet conveyed the same Divine message of worshiping One God – Allāh, and living a morally upright life.
The Prophet (ﷺ) has related many beneficial and profound narratives. Among them is the account narrated by Imām Muslim in his Ṣaḥīḥ from Abū Hurairah ؓ .